Thursday, October 19, 2006

About those fliks

I've posted a few pieces and fill-ins below. I'm not going to bother posting every photo I have. If you want to see more, go to for pieces, throwups and garbage. I won't be posting everything on this site, especially not old shit, since I am lazy and it's pointless because of the link I just gave you.

My camera broke a while back and by some ugly fuck-up in logic it actually costs more to fix my camera than the 300 Euros it cost to buy the piece of shit. I bashed it a good bit, but I didn't piss on it or anything, so fuck Kodak.

Anyone who has fliks of recent work of mine, leave a comment and I'll leave you a handsome collection of nuts.

Some Fliks

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

The Beginning.

Hello. Whoever you are. I have begun a blog, apparently. This, they say, is a blog.

I will be posting here under the name 'Milk', a title I know is already taken by a famous white drink. But, fuck it, I like the letters, and I like to think we can learn to share, even if we quite probably can't.

I am Milk. I am not a white liquid. I am a white human. I write graffiti. I write the letters 'M.I.L.K', and go by that name in the circus of over inflated egos and ignorant pseudo machismo infested bums, fagots and heroes we call the Irish graffiti scene. Yes, the Irish graffiti scene. In Ireland. The country.

I am known in this 'Irish graffiti scene'. And if you are reading this you're probably somehow involved in this thing too. You have my empathy. In this blog I will post fliks of pieces, throwups, handstyles, rollers, productions and everything else you people would expect. I will, though, also be posting crap like this. Along the lines of an actual blog, apparently. Since I write (in the literal sense, not grafitti), I thought I should probably at least try and use this free blog space to publish whatever the fuck I feel like whenever the fuck I feel like about whatever the fuck I feel like, even though it will only reach an audience who are interested in photos of graffiti, and not shit talk about nothing.

Now I am bored. Blogging is mind-fuckingly boring, apparently. I'll get back to you all later, stay there.

Oh and anyone interested in 2000 brand new multi coloured polka dot super size comedy sombreros...why the fuck would you be interested in 2000 brand new multi coloured polka dot super size comedy sombreros? You fucking freaks.